NEW to Eden Energy Medicine?
Ground, calm, restore, and balance your energies EEM: Use Coupon Code "TRY EEM" for 45% OFF two 2-hour (in-person only) Eden Energy Medicine sessions ! ;)
Feel better.
Clear fears & blocks.
Liberate ease, healing, & transformation.
It's in you!

What if relief from problematic fears or anxieties was at your fingertips? Or if surprising health or life breakthroughs were possible--with energy medicine?
Liberate ease, healing and empowerment with the surprising, proven power of our techniques.
Ancient wisdom, cutting edge science, and our innate capacity for healing and wellness are woven together in Sigh of Relief talks, workshops, collaborative intensives and private sessions.

With this mini intensive, meet a challenge and experience real results in just two weeks. Especially good for:
Surgery: lower stress, boost success
Clear a phobia/particular anxiety
Gain clarity around a decision/action
Reduce pain or a physical symptom
Get relief around emotional distress
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Inner shifts can change everything. Specific energy medicine and other techniques can help you to tangibly:
De-stress deeply + boost core health
Unscramble & ground your energies
Balance under/over hormone levels
Instill new emotional or life harmony
Work w/ chakras, aura, or meridians

If you truly want to get unstuck and do something new, energy medicine + laser coaching can help get you over the hump!
Clarify a big desire or decision
Lose/gain a habit with more ease
Release limiting beliefs & take action
Clear clutter (any kind) for big change
Find new peace/power w/ life changes
Rapid ResultsIntensives

Client Results & Feedback:
"The part of me that was so anxious about the surgery doesn't seem like me anyore."
Severe 24/7 pregnancy nausea 90% relieved after a single session.
"You figured out how to outsmart certain stresses that others haven't."
A busy nurse's frozen shoulder freed in 20 minutes.
"The awesome way you listened, Tapping combined with energy
exercises, the coaching--it's the whole medley that was so good for me.”
A lifelong extreme snake phobia transformed in one hour.
"A more peaceful existence is possible."

How can Sigh of Relief help you and your friends, family, or clients?

I think what we owe each other is a celebration of life, and to replace fear and hopelessness with fearlessness and joy.
-- Vandana Shiva

your audience or group with ancient wisdom, incredible science, and take-home, DIY techniques.

shop talk, referrals, project ideas, cross-training, events, and other cooperative possibilities

physical and emotional relief, clarity, ease, wellness and optimal performance